Crossing the Pacific Ocean and infusing island culture into hiphop music, Rocco808 is the next stage that Island pop has been cultivating over the last few years. After making the transition from a small island to the big city of Los Angeles, he honed his craft and developed his own sound after years of experimental projects of writing, recording, and composing records. He goes above and beyond, exceeding expectations creating island pop melodies on trap drums and other various productions. His combination of such diverse sounds expresses his authenticity and his reinvention of pop reggae, Afro and rap music.
GRP, Rocco808, & Randy Marx perform Street Fighter 6 tracks live on Twitch for RollingStone.
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‘Street Fighter’ is Back with New Theme Song ‘Not On The Sidelines’.
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THE FATHER OF “TROPICAL TRAP” Releases Hot Dance Hall Track.
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Rocco808 is Hawaii's Next Rising Artist Pushing Island Trap Music.